Book an Appointment

Clinic Location: Body + Beyond Wellness | Acupuncture, 11605 Nebel St, Rockville, MD 20852.

**Prior to your appointment, you must fill out a patient consent form and email a signed copy to Elaine Warren, M.Ac, L.Ac or bring in a signed copy to your scheduled appointment.**





Please note, the following procedures have been put in place to address our safety needs:

  1. You will confirm via a telephone call with me a day before your appointment that you are not experiencing symptoms that maybe related to Covid-19, e.g., chills, fever, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, loss of smell or taste, unexplained fatigue, muscle pain.
  2. Upon arriving at the clinic, you will confirm again that you are not experiencing symptoms that maybe related to Covid-19, e.g., chills, fever, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, loss of smell or taste, unexplained fatigue, muscle pain.
  3. You agree to allow the use of the contactless thermometer to check your temperature and that if your temperature registers at 100.4 degrees or higher, we will not proceed with the appointment.
  4. You agree that we will not proceed with your appointment if you are experiencing any symptoms listed above. The cancellation policy will be suspended for the duration.
  5. If you arrive early, you agree to wait in your car until it is your appointment time to enter. With my sincere apology, any family members or health aides accompanying you will be asked to return when your appointment is finished.
  6. Before entry into the clinic, you agree to comply with the requirement to use the face mask the entire time while you are at the clinic. If you forgot to bring your own, one will be provided for you.
  7. You will sanitize your hands with the hand sanitizer at the front or to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds in the hand washing station, i.e., in the bathroom or the kitchen.
  8. You agree to use proper cough or sneeze hygiene and use the Kleenex as needed which will be promptly disposed in the touchless waste container.
  9. You agree to Covid-19 Informed Consent Agreement before proceeding to receive care.
  10. You agree to hold Elaine Warren, L. Ac. DBA Elaine Warren, L. Ac. blameless in the case of any viral transmissions traced to our office.