Author: Elaine Warren

  • one plus one equals Three

    The patient speaks and I respond; my body engages as if an instrument.  My ears hear the sounds creating the spoken language; I hear the groan of deep struggle and effort. It’s peppered with shouts of frustration collapsing in fatigue.  The occasional bursts of laughter does not sustain and bloom. Ah, there.. it’s followed by…

  • the season of winter in Five Element Acupuncture; the gift of Water

    A major component in the practice of Five Element acupuncture is illuminating the connection to nature and turning of the seasons in life and their resonance in the physical body. The task of the acupuncturist is to remind her patient to make the connection to the seasons and cycles of life at the level of…

  • What is so awful that needs covering?

    First snow of the season has descended and blanketed the city in dense white down. I swipe off the alarm on the smart phone and check for delays and closings on the local news website. Then I turn over in my bed soft and warm for a delicious snooze.  While the rest of the house…

  • The Art of Resting

    “I can sleep when I’m dead.” “Sleep is over rated.” And other such things I uttered when I was younger, busy raising three little ones at three different schools at some points, my work outside the home in full swing with regular intervals of out of town travel. Life seemed one continuous “GO!” emblazoned in…

  • Feng Shui for the Home

    A recent email advice from a preferred website touts feng shui for the home with the suggestion to use all of the burners on the stove top in regular rotation.  Feng shui is the ancient practice of spatial design to optimize the energetic flow of nature in one’s home or office space. This tip appeals…